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Exhibitions and Conferences Alliance

ECA Advocacy Network: Show Floor Program

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ECA Advocacy Network: Show Floor Program


Sign up for ECA's Show Floor Program to bring elected officials to your business events!

Bringing policymakers to the show floor will allow you to educate them on the important issues that impact the business events industry while showing them first-hand how our industry operates, and the impact we have on economic growth, job creation, and supporting small businesses.

How does ECA help?

ECA works hand in glove with you to make sure hosting policymakers on the show floor is a success. This includes:

  • Coordinating with you and the policymaker's office on the invitation and logistics
  • Conducting a prep call to walk through all logistics and answer your questions
  • Providing all the materials that you need for the event
  • Troubleshooting any challenges that might arise
  • Collecting post-meeting feedback and following up with the policymaker back in his/her office
  • And so much more!

Why it matters:

There's nothing like being on the show floor! While industry leaders and advocates can describe the impact of the business events industry, our unique industry is best experienced firsthand. Policymakers frequently conduct site visits in their respective cities and states to learn more about various industries and better understand how they can help. Hosting policymakers at the events you are part of will ensure that they understand the impact that the business events industry creates and the challenges that we face going forward.

Want to learn more?

ECA has created a Show Floor Program handbook to help you get started. Fill out the form below and ECA will send you the handbook via email. You can help make a direct impact on the policy conversations taking place on Capitol Hill and in city halls and state houses nationwide!