Exhibitions & Conferences Alliance Celebrates Largest Legislative Action Day Ever
WASHINGTON, DC—More than 130 business events industry leaders and advocates from 25 states met with policymakers on Capitol Hill today as part of the Exhibitions & Conferences Alliance’s (ECA) annual Legislative Action Day.
“Today was the largest gathering of the industry on Capitol Hill ever,” said Vinnie Polito, ECA’s Co-President and Society of Independent Show Organizers CEO. “As we have seen in recent months, when our industry shows up and advocates together with one voice, we can drive policy change that positively impacts all of us going forward.”
This year’s Legislative Action Day focused on two of ECA’s top public policy priorities: helping the industry attract and train its next generation workforce and further reducing visa wait times for international exhibitors and attendees looking to come to U.S. exhibitions, conferences, and trade shows.
“From expanding access to programs that will help develop the industry’s future workforce to restoring visa interview wait times to pre-pandemic levels, ECA’s policy priorities have broad bipartisan support,” said Marsha Flanagan, M.Ed., CEM, ECA’s Co-President and International Association of Exhibitions and Events President and CEO. “That’s why we are calling on Congress to take action this year on these issues that will strengthen our industry’s collective ability to drive economic growth, support job creation, and empower small businesses.”
While ECA’s 2024 Legislative Action Day is over, ECA has opportunities for industry leaders and advocates to stay engaged on the policy issues that matter year-round.
“Whether you are on Capitol Hill, on the show floor, or even on your phone, ECA invites you to be an advocate for the business events industry,” said Tommy Goodwin, FASAE, CAE, PMP, CMP, ECA’s Vice President. “Together, we can be the strong, unified advocacy voice of the industry and shape our future with policymakers nationwide.”
About the Exhibitions & Conferences Alliance:
The Exhibitions & Conferences Alliance (ECA) is a coalition of leading professional, industry, and labor associations that comprise the unified advocacy voice of the business events industry. To learn more about ECA and its work to advance the interests of the industry, please visit https://www.exhibitionsconferencesalliance.org/.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact Tommy Goodwin: +1 (703) 672-0780 | tommy.goodwin@exhibitionsconferencesalliance.org.